weight-loss journey, wellness story, improved health, testimonial, black woman, integrative nutrition program

I reached out to Antonia because I often felt bloated and uncomfortable after meals, woke up with stomach aches, and was struggling to lose the weight I gained, despite working out regularly. Over the last year I ate lots of processed carbs, late night meals, and ate when stressed. I also wanted to prevent issues like type two diabetes, which runs in my family.

I love my body and want to take care of it! Our bodies show up for us everyday, and I am trying to practice gratitude for that by treating it well.

I’m four months into the program and have cut back on processed carbs, sugar, and alcohol. I’m eating more protein and vegetables, and I feel good after meals. Bloating has gone down significantly. I’ve kept a food diary of almost everything I’ve eaten in the four months, and can easily go back to reference how certain foods made me feel after a meal. I’ve noticed that processed carbs make me feel extremely bloated, dairy and alcohol upsets my stomach, and that protein and vegetables keep me full the longest! I have less energy slumps after meals and in the afternoon. 

Mentally, I feel my attachment to food lessening. It’s easier for me to say no to certain foods (that extra slice of cake…) and yes to others! In the past I would stress eat, and now I’m more conscious of that and try to manage stress without food. 

So far, I’ve lost 15 pounds, and a few inches here and there (1 ½ inches at waist, ½ inch at abdomen, 2 inches at hips, 1 inch at biceps, 1 inch at thigh). After gaining weight in the last year, none of my clothes fit! I got rid of several pairs of jeans and bought new clothes.

Since starting the program, I’m able to fit into my favorite pair of jeans again, and the new clothes I bought are now too big. 

Overall, the last four months have been a great learning experience, and I feel so much better. I see this as a lifestyle change, and I’m excited about where things will go from here!

- Mariah A.

So far, Mariah has shed 15 lbs, lost multiple inches, and increased her energy — and we are only halfway through the program!

The best part? Her progress is SUSTAINABLE. She is still enjoying the foods she loves, going out to dinner with friends, and seeing huge results with a few simple changes.

What could your transformation story look like? Set up a free consultation with me and let’s talk about it!


Cultivating a Healthy Food Mindset


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