How to Shop Healthy On a Budget

Let's be honest: prices everywhere are insane, especially at the grocery store. With costs high, it can be easy to get overwhelmed when taking care of daily necessities, like putting food on the table.

For my own sake, and sanity, I have been brainstorming ways to save at the store, and wanted to share with you all as well! So that you can cut back on costs, not on the quality or nutritional value of your food.

Shop smarter with these 8 easy tricks that cut back on grocery stress, and spending.

1. Shop with a list. This one might seem obvious, but have you ever gotten home from the grocery store and thought: "I have nothing to make for dinner?” While it's easy to wander the aisles without a plan (I’m very guilty of this), instead choose a few meals to make each week and create a list of what ingredients you will need. Be sure to take inventory of what you already have at home, before going to the store.

2. Use what you already have. Put your creativity to the test when it seems like there's nothing to eat at home. Chances are you actually can make a meal with something buried in the freezer or hidden in the cupboard. Use what you have at home before you make another trip to the store. The longer you can make your pantry stretch, the more you will save!

3. Stick to H2O. Water is free, ya’ll. Instead of stocking up on drinks that are full of sugar or draining on your wallet, make water your go-to friend. Need to spice it up? Consider adding lemon, mint, cucumber, or berries to make your water more interesting.

4. Shop seasonally (and locally!). Have you noticed that berries are always cheaper during the summer, or that the oranges you buy from the farmers market taste so much better than the ones at the store? This is the magic of shopping seasonally and locally. Often times, the price of out-of-season produce is much higher because there is less available. Not only that, but those items usually have to be shipped long distances and/or preserved -- further adding to the cost. While not always cheaper, shopping locally is also a great way to keep seasonal produce in your kitchen, while supporting small farms!

5. Shop sales. Is there an essential item you love to have on hand, but just can’t justify the price? Wait for it to go on sale, then stock up! Many stores have rotating sales, and markets like Whole Foods and Sprouts have apps that make sale-tracking easy. Peruse the app to see what’s on sale before shopping, and if you’re feeling extra thrifty, assemble one of your meals out of the week’s discounted items!

6. Buy from the bulk section. If you use large amounts of rice, beans, quinoa, nuts, flour, or oats, find a store that sells these items in bulk/by weight. It's usually considerably less expensive (and less wasteful!) than buying these ingredients pre-packaged. Bring back your reusable container for extra eco-friendly points!

7. Shop weekly. When you shop for what you need each week, you're much more likely to eat everything you bring home. Eliminating food waste is not only good for your wallet, but also the planet! Don't have the time to shop weekly? Consider a grocery box subscription like Misfits Market or Imperfect Foods, which also offer items at discounted prices.

8. Focus on fresh foods. Did you ever notice that the fresh foods (meat, seafood, dairy, & produce) are along the walls of a store, while mostly packaged, processed, and pricy items are along the isles? Instead of the frozen dinner or pre-packaged snacks, try making some things from scratch! Your wallet, and your health coach, will thank you.


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