5 Ways to Avoid Bloating After a Meal
Whether a daily occurrence or an unexpected visitor, bloating is never an enjoyable feeling after a meal. Sometimes bloating is due to WHAT we eat and other times HOW we eat also has a big impact.
The tips and tricks below are not an exhaustive list, but I have experienced their benefits in my own life and in the lives of my clients who struggle with frequent bloating.
Try these steps below to help aid digestion, and avoid bloating! We should spend more time enjoying our meals than dreading the aftermath.
5 Weight-Loss Blockers That Might Be Sabotaging You
Feel like you’re doing all the right things, but still can’t lose weight? Our current weight-loss culture overemphasizes calorie-burning and calorie-counting, when more sustainable results can be found through a balanced diet and regular self-care practices, just to name a few.