5 Weight-Loss Blockers That Might Be Sabotaging You

Do you feel like you’re doing all the right things, but still can’t lose weight? Our current weight-loss culture overemphasizes calorie-burning and calorie-counting, when more sustainable results can be found through a balanced diet and regular self-care practices, just to name a few.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but I wanted to draw attention to some factors that influence not just weight-loss, but healthy, sustainable weight-loss. By that I mean weight-loss that doesn’t involve restrictive dieting, calorie deprivation, or compromising your actual health and wellbeing at the expense of looking a certain way.

Each of us has a unique body type and what is a healthy weight for you may not be a healthy weight for me. One of the best way to determine what this looks like for you is to calculate your BMI, but even this doesn’t take into account bone density, muscle, and other factors that may influence your weight.

All that to say, your weight does not define your worth. The suggestions below are not meant to condemn, criticize, or shame, but rather offer insight into how to care for your body holistically and move towards greater overall wellness.

Stress & Inflammation.

Our bodies can do some crazy things when we are stressed. But what exactly is “stress” and how do we avoid it? Basically, stress is triggered by our body’s cortisol levels, a hormone that activates our sympathetic nervous system (or “fight-or-flight” response). When that survival-response is left unchecked, it can then lead to inflammation in our bodies. When our bodies are inflamed, this can result in unwanted weight-gain and difficulty losing weight.

Here’s where it gets interesting. Most of us know that our careers, relational conflicts, or financial woes can all lead to stress. You might even know that caffeine, alcohol, and physical & emotional trauma contribute to cortisol spikes and inflammation as well. But did you know that too much high-intensity exercise could be stressing out your adrenal glands and blocking your best weight-loss efforts? When we engage in this type of exercise regularly, like HIIT workouts and spin classes, especially without giving our bodies the opportunity to rest and restore in between, our elevated cortisol levels can cause our system to stay in that emergency-oriented stress-response.

All that to say, try switching up your workout routine and incorporating movement that stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system (our “rest-and-digest” mode). This response signals to our bodies that we are safe, there is no emergency, and that we can afford to shed some of our extra fat storage because there is no immediate threat. Yoga, meditation, tai chi, leisure walks, and other low-impact exercises can be excellent ways to activate this stress-relieving, cortisol-quieting response. You may notice yourself actually losing weight from what feels like “doing less.”

Diet Foods.

One of the most deceptive advertising tactics used today is the art of labeling products so we feel great consuming them, when in reality their ingredients are damaging to our health. What are some of the biggest culprits? Low-fat products and 100 calorie packs, diet soda and sugar-free foods, even many vegan substitutes like vegan burgers and cheeses - all of which seem to promise one thing while delivering another. These packaged and processed foods are often filled with highly refined ingredients, little nutritional value, and numerous additives and artificial ingredients.

While many people are realizing that fat is good for us and essential to a healthy diet, low-fat foods still appeal to many of those who are trying to lose weight. However, foods and beverages that are labeled “low-fat” can be deceiving, as many are filled with excess sugar and other questionable ingredients to make them taste good without the fat. Furthermore, healthy fats actually HELP with weight loss, as they leave you feeling fuller and more satisfied after meals. Not only that, but good fats like the ones found in nuts, seeds, omega-3’s, and nourishing oils from olives, avocados, and coconuts provide essential vitamins and nutrients our cells need to function properly.

According to Kyle Ivanir, a Gut Health Dietician, most “fake vegan foods” in particular are filled with inflammatory oils, overly processed soy, chemical preservatives, and binders. These are all harmful to our gut health, hormones, and even the environment.

Honestly, even many foods sold at health food stores, while lower in harmful ingredients, are still packed with sugar! Moral of the story: read your labels. Look out for sneaky sugars, inflammatory oils, and artificial/chemical ingredients no matter how “healthy” the food may seem.

Artificial Sweeteners.

Similar to diet foods, artificial sweeteners that are found in sugar-free foods and diet sodas may actually be sabotaging your weight-loss efforts. These ingredients are not only harmful to our health, but can actually make our sugar cravings worse. Artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, aspartame, malitol, & sorbitol (among others) send the signal to our brain that we are consuming sugar, but non is registered. This, in turn, can cause us to crave sugar even more. Just because they are low-calorie does not mean they are healthy! If you really want some sweetness without the calories, try opting for a natural sweetener instead, like monk fruit extract or pure stevia.

Poor Sleep.

Find yourself endlessly hungry during the day? Are you craving sugar and junk food, and energy-crashing like clockwork in the afternoon? It might be because of your sleep. Studies show that inadequate sleep (usually defined as 6 hours or less per night) is linked to poorer food choices, increased hunger and calorie intake, decreased physical activity, and even weight gain. When we our tired, our bodies crave quick energy - usually in the form of sugar, caffeine, and refined carbohydrates (think pastries, candy, donuts, bagels, etc.). Getting quality sleep will not only give your body the space it needs to complete it’s necessary nighttime processes, but it will also support you in making the best choices for your health! Need more help in this area? Check out my blog on how to get more restful sleep here!

Hormone Levels.

Hormones are the chemical messengers that send signals throughout our body. These messengers regulate virtually all of our body's most important processes, such as sleep, stress, reproduction, and yes, weight-loss. Needless to say, when our hormones are out of whack, we can feel the effects in big ways. Insulin, for example, a hormone that regulates fat storage and affects metabolism, can not only make it difficult to lose weight but near impossible. As I mentioned earlier, cortisol is another hormone that can have a significant impact on our health. When elevated for too long because of stress, illness, or trauma, cortisol can cause increased belly fat, muscle loss, and elevated blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Needless to say, hormones are no joke. If you think you may have a hormonal imbalance, I encourage you to talk to your doctor, or find an endocrinologist (who specializes in hormones) to learn more.


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