The Art of Deconstructing Cravings

understanding cravings, fighting cravings, sugar cravings, salt cravings

We all experience cravings at one point or another. But sometimes, what we crave isn’t actually what our body really needs. In order to care for ourselves and stay in tune with our body’s amazing self-healing mechanisms, it’s important that we look beyond our cravings in order to accurately interpret what our body is telling us. 

For example, did you know that we often misinterpret thirst for hunger? The signals can feel very similar, so next time you think you’re feeling snacky, maybe try grabbing a glass of water instead. If you’re still hungry after 15 minutes, grab that (healthy!) snack with confidence. 

Sugar cravings are another iceberg that can tell us a multitude of things about what is going on internally, if we stop to listen and inspect. When do these cravings usually happen? Around the midday slump at 3pm, or after dinner when our body is winding down for the night? If so, your body is probably asking for energy, not sugar. While sugar and caffeine are both a quick-fix for an energy boost, they quickly leave you crashing and even worse than when you started. 

If sugar is what your body seeks, try to get to the root of the issue. Here are some possible causes that could be hiding under your cravings.


When we haven’t gotten a restful, 8+ hour sleep, we will most likely feel tired and turn to easy energy boosters like sugar, caffeine, and refined carbohydrates. On the contrary, when we are well-rested, we will be more likely to make healthy decisions during the day.


When we are under a lot of pressure or experiencing emotional turmoil or heartbreak, we often seek food as a comfort, most likely in the form of something sweet. Next time you’re craving dessert, pause to ask yourself the real reason you might be wanting this. If you think your craving may be because of excess stress, try asking yourself what else might bring you comfort. Maybe going for a leisurely walk, visiting your favorite part of town, or curling up with a nice book and cup of tea. Maybe you even go big and get a massage or take a well-earned vacation! Who knows where your cravings may take you.


Similar to stress, we may crave comforting food because we are missing comfort in our lives. Perhaps you’re simply not getting enough physical touch from loved ones, or you just need some extra time with friends or family. The deepest parts of us cannot be satisfied with food or drinks, but sometimes our bodies don’t know how else to send us the message. 

Your bio-individuality.

In addition to these, cravings could be caused by numerous other factors, such as nutrient deficiency, blood sugar imbalance, or a food-restrictive mindset. Of course, if you are pregnant or PMSing, your hormone levels can also send these craving signals to your brain. 

The things we crave can be the result of years of learned behavior, habits, and coping mechanisms, and most likely won’t go away overnight. However, it is so important to take the time to listen to what our inner selves are actually saying, and give our body what it truly needs to be nourished.

If you are struggling in this area, I get it, and I am on that journey with you. I’d love to invite you to join one of my coaching programs, and begin to discover with you how to care for your whole self: body, mind, and soul.


All Roads Lead to the Gut


The Blue Zones Way of Life